
Tuesday, 29 November 2011

All I want for Christmas is... Fashionable laptop cases from TeeStory

If you’ve been out to any mall in Singapore in the past month and been subjected to endless festive carols you’ll know that Christmas is fast approaching.

So to make your life easier – and to make you look cool and effortless – I’ve compiled a series of stylish ideas to get your partner, spouse, friend, parents or most importantly…me!

I kick off the series with a great idea that shows you how to let go of that moth-eaten item of clothing you just can’t bear to part with AND do your bit to be socially responsible.

TeeStory is a Singaporean business that produces one product : laptop cases.
Wow. How is that unique or stylish I hear you ask?

Well, these guys will recycle your favourite old item of clothing, using the material from that beloved shirt, dress or t-shirt to cover your precious laptop.

What could be cooler than having your iPad case wrapped lovingly in the D&G shirt you ripped while partying a little too enthusiastically? How about knowing that TeeStory has a policy of only using seamstresses from low income families for their work. 

About the idea, Charles Tan of TeeStory says: “We figured it will be useful to create sleeves to protect precious gadgets from scratches.  Having made the sleeves using their own tees also means people are unlikely to find anyone carrying the sleeves of the same design.

“Besides fulfilling our desire to save the environment, we also would like to do something for the community as well.  The sleeves are handmade by our seamstresses from the low-income families to sew for us.  Even though we can engage other commercial seamstress do the job for us at a much lower cost, we still choose to have those from the low income family to work for us as we hope we can help them eventually break out of the poverty cycle.”

I guess now you’re really keen. So here’s the bit you’ve been waiting for.

All you have to do is log onto their site and place an order. They will send you a pre-paid envelope and an order form, but be quick. The whole process takes up to three weeks. Which is why I’ve featured them first :-)

Log onto to kick the whole thing off. The cases cost $48 and come in 4 different sizes.

Good luck! And if you email me I’ll tell you my laptop size ;)