
Thursday, 17 November 2011

H&M launched the Very Best of Versace collection in Singapore: Reporting from Orchard road

If, like me, you thought that the bright colors, 'out there' prints, and over-the-top zebra explosion of the Versac for H&M collection was going to discourage the conservatively-dressed Singaporean crowd, let me set this straight: YOU AND I WERE (kind of) WRONG!

Apparently putting the ‘Versace’ label on anything regardless how outrageous, makes even the most colour-shy crowd in Singapore want it.

Judging by the queue of people this morning which kept increasing instead of decreasing, the collaboration was a big that some had started queuing at 5pm the night before to get their hands on the coveted pieces.

The Queue at 9:30am...

More people joining the queue at 9:45...

So were those who started queuing last night die-hards who had to brave the rain to snag a prime spot in the queue? Not quite. This is Singapore after all. The well organised staff gave out tags last night to those early birds so they didn't have to spend the night sleeping on the street.

Perhaps this is a good thing, but it’s hardly sacrifice is it? :) Even when the doors opened, it was Singaporean efficiency and politeness. Elbows were not used, fists did not fly and people waited patiently

At 10:00 it started filling up again...

At 11:00, 3 hours after doors opened, the queue was doubling!

Despite the long queue, it was very organised indeed.

But the most interesting trend that emerged was (and this is probably not going to be repeated anywhere else in the world) that it was in fact the menswear that was flying off the shelves when the doors opened at 8am. 

Yes, that's right, Singaporean guys take a bow. By midday, the men’s collection was selling fast, and while the womenswear wasn't exactly being ignored. All reports suggest that the shelves were hardly stripped bare in a mad stampede either.

Either way, I cannot help question whether those people who queued and bought what they eventually found going to wear what they bought or is it just going end up buried in their closets? Or better, listed on ebay for double the price?

That remains to be seen but for now I’ll just hold the belief that out of every 20 palm tree print jumpers bought, only a few will be worn around the streets of this city.

Curious to see what these people got in their Versace shopping
bags! They didn't make it any easier by hanging around the
corner with THOSE bags for quite a while...

So, to all those who were at the office working and unable to join the queue this morning, if you had your heart set on something particular, check ebay if you’re willing to pay the inflated price or try your luck in few days because from experience, some people do return the stuff once they realize they don’t fit or they can’t afford all 4 dresses they impulsively bought.

Last year, I got the black shoes from the Lanvin/H&M collaboration a week after it hit the stores when someone had just returned them as they were one size too small for her. 

*Just to keep you updated, I’ll be going again at 5pm to see what’s left of the Versace collection