
Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Scarlet Carlson, Noel Caleb and Jason: Three things I learned at the Circa Xmas event

They said you should learn something new every day, so last Sunday was an extraordinary day as I learned not one but three interesting things about the Singaporean fashion scene while at Circa (Parco Millenia Walk).

The event itself was multi-purpose one, aiming to celebrate the first year anniversary of local label Scarlet Carlson, announcing and briefing the fashion design competition by clothing label Noel Caleb, and showcasing another local menswear label Jason.

So here’s what I learned...

Cornelyus from Scarlet Carlson label cutting the cake and
flanked by JR Chan from JASON (2nd left) and Eileen from
Noel Caleb (far right)

1: Scarlet Carlson makes some seriously cool accessories!

The label has been around for a year now, so while it’s not new, it’s new to me. And I’m glad I finally came to the party! The designers behind Scarlet Carlson are Singaporean brothers Cornelyus and Zach Tan who are self-taught in this profession and clearly very passionate about what they do.

I was instantly drawn to their collection consisting of very unique pieces with dashes of gothic inspiration and heavy doses of statement symbolism.  

Scarlet Carlson newest goth-inspired collection 'The Fallen'

As you would expect, I eventually walked away with a piece! A beautiful rusty goldish ring with an oval red stone from their ‘Shipwrecked’ collection which I spotted the minute I walked in! I have been wearing it every day since :-)

More about Scarlet Carlson to come very soon! So this is just a warm up!

How cute are these crayon rings?

...and their 'Shipwrecked' collection. You can see the ring I
bought in the front... just love it!

2: Noel Caleb is holding a fashion design competition

I have previously posted a write up about this Singaporean label and how much I love their stuff! Part of last Sunday’s event was for Eileen from NoelCaleb to brief about their competition for this year under the theme of ‘Mirror Mirror on the Wall’

Eileen briefing aspiring designers on the competition

In summary, Noel Caleb is looking for their next talent to join the label. So if you’re interested, all you need to do is submit a mini-collection based on a 7-days outfit, with each outfit consisting of 1-3 styles. It has to be experimental yet functional and goes with the whole feel of the label which is about ‘bringing out the inner strength and outer grace of a woman.’ Oh and no heavy winter wear please as the collection has to be appropriate for Singaporean audience. All submissions are due before or on the 15th of January so hurry up!!!

The top 3 winners will have their pieces produced under the label’s name and there is also cash prize for the grand winner.

Noel Caleb outfit teamed with Scarlet Carlson accessories.

3: The person behind menswear label Jason is the talented lady JR Chan

I first came across the Jason label at Singapore uber-boutique Hide and Seek. So as I was browsing through a rack of immaculately tailored modernist Jason clothes at Circa, I was delighted to be invited to meet the twisted genius behind a brand with more edge than 100 samurai swords. The lesson came here. I was expecting to meet a guy and instead was ushered towards JR Chan…who happens to be a woman!

Browsing through Jason rack at Circa

Some of the pieces from edgy menswear label Jason

It turned out that Jason is a fictional character who in fact acts as her muse, an eccentric character with destructive tendencies and who likes to break away from stereotypes.

And looking at the Jason pieces, it could not have been interpreted better!

I totally loved the contemporary and edgy designs which consist of deconstructed looks playing mainly on suit pieces like jackets, white shirts and trousers. There is also a great amount of subtle details and great tailoring which sets this label apart from anything trend-driven.

I’ll definitely be posting more about Jason the label very soon so watch this space!

At the event with designers Chee Sau Fen from 'Heads of State'
Millinery and Elaine from recycled accessories label