
Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Playing Dress Up at Nostalgia Queen Vintage

I’m always happy to hear feedback on my blog and people seem to notice that I do put a lot of work into it i.e. it is not one of those lazy press release publishing blogs, and I do chase content instead of waiting for it to drop in my lately overflowing inbox.

But looking for interesting and fun content is not always easy especially that I’ve been working non-stop these days! So I decided to use my very little free time this week to… just have fun and get inspired!

And what a better place to do that than booking an appointment at my next-door neighbor vintage shop Nostalgia Queen Vintage to try on her newest attainable from Paris and treat myself impulsively to something unique :-)  It’s very cozy  and charming and its owner Michelle is very friendly and welcoming! Plus the price range makes it excellent value for money.

I never know what to expect while vintage shopping... this outfit looks more
avant-garde than vintage! Just love some healthy impulse buys from time to time... 

Even if confessing this will affect my reputation as a personal shopper, I really do love my impulsive buys sometimes! And although they might not be the most practical things to wear, they always come in handy for my styling jobs and lately I have put some of my crazy pieces to use in my Frida Kahlo-inspired shoot.  I’m proud to say that apart from my colourful clothing and accessories, we hardly needed anything else to complete the look!

And seriously don’t we all feel good after snatching those items that we feel attracted to instantly, with no thought needed?  That is if done only once in a while and not excessively of course!

So here you go! My very snappy shots of the most fun shopping I had in a long time. Can you guess which item I ended up buying? (Sadly had to limit it to one only!)

Nostalgia Queen Vintage is located on 92 Sophia Road and opens by appointment only, call +65 97658257.

I went for a 50s look in this dress... love it and it fits so well...

No I'm not going to the races but I wish I was!!! this dress is just amazing,
and the hat too...

OK not crazy about how this looked on me but love the accessories!

Cat lovers... this one is for you! stunning in real life...

Can you tell who I was channeling in this look?

The earrings.....

And a classic bag...

Love love the dress!!! sadly it's  a little loose on me :-(

How cute is this bag??

The jewellery...

This dress reminded me of something my mom used to wear so I had to give
it a try... but didn't really work for me :-(

Definitely my favourite earrings!!!!! just beautiful...

Bags and other pretty things...

A more colourful look... (in an era-appropriate cheesy pose :-))

A vintage LV Epi Noe bucket bag! love the colour...

Mixing this sequin top with a printed skirt to tone it down...

Wasn't my best hair day I have to say...

Love this snakeskin bag which looks like it should be mesh instead! :-)