
Thursday, 21 June 2012

Poshism: Singapore's Let's hope it's better!

I have a confession to make. I never liked!

For some reason the ‘style-inspiration’ community business always seemed a little full of model wannabe’s and sponsored bloggers trying to show off rather than inspire or educate.

So when I heard about Poshism, which kind of sells itself as a new ‘lookbook’, I was not sure what to expect. But I knew it wasn’t likely to be love at first site (geddit?).

Their launch event – which was basically a walkoff between a bunch of teenagers didn’t fill me with hope either – although perhaps that is showing my age a little bit more than I want to admit!
But I’ve been working in the lifestyle field for quite a long time and if I’ve learned anything, it’s not to judge too soon.

Zeikei (only 17!!), from the Poshism publicity team has the coolest quirky
style! Let's hope more people will get inspired by her awesome looks and stray
away from the over-done looks a la (i.e. blazer x shorts combo)

The best look I've seen so far on Poshism! This guy is rocking it!!

So putting the hit and miss event to one side after their site, I decided to take another look.
Basically, Poshism at the moment is kind of like a ‘Streetstyle vs What I wore today vs Hot or Not’ concept, with league tables and filters allowing people to vote on the outfits they like best.

While not original, it’s always an enjoyable concept. Who doesn’t love flicking through pictures of people and rating their outfits. And I must admit that I did enjoy browsing through the different looks and voting on the ones that caught my eye (sadly there weren’t quite as many as I thought that made me sit up and take notice).

Anza, the winner of Fashion Feud was more on the experimental and
fun side than the other finalists and well-earned his win! Plus he didn't
seem to take himself too seriously - which earned him points in my book.

Is it just me or are Singapore guys more fearless and stylish than the
ladies? Cool combo!

Another random look which I like... it's different and fun so why not?

I was flattered to see John of Streetpeek (who by the way took all these amazing streetstyle photos in this post!) had uploaded a photo of me in the gorgeous Peplum dress from Thai label Second Issue (damn paparazzi!!!) and that it had gained quite a few votes, so at least you know the people browsing the site have great taste :-)

There is a news section but it isn’t really being updated and a promise of a store to come too. I think these functions will help to give it its own sense of identity when they get up to speed. 

That’s especially true if the idea is to create an online fashion community in Singapore.
Poshism is a good move. I know it’s run by ambitious youngsters  whose oldest member is 21, so I’m guessing there is a lot more to come.

The 5 finalists of Fashion Feud

Despite being so young, the Poshism team seem determined to encourage a more stylish style in Singapore through the site. Kudos to that I say!

I also got the chance to speak to the lovely people in charge when I was at the event, and I actually sensed their longing for a real sense of style in Singapore. So it gives me hope for the future that the t-shirt/shorts/flip flop combo might slowly start to be consigned to the dustbin of fashion history.

We can only hope right? And in the meantime, you should definitely waste some time by browsing their site and coo-ing or crowing over the fashionistas who have uploaded their photos. Maybe you will be inspired to go and try a new look. Here’s hoping.

Amazingly, you can find Poshism on and follow them on facebook by going to

With my lovely friends at the Fashion Feud event in Zouk.
With Rachel from who snapped this pic with me :-)
And of course my photo which made it to Poshism (thanks to John :-)).
Wearing Second Issue dress, Topshop belt, Louboutins and Manoush