
Friday, 6 July 2012

Introducing Singapore's Hot Streetstyle Collaboration...

Forget Versace/H&M, Marni/H&M or whoever/H&M. The hottest collaboration of the year will be taking place next weekend in Singapore.

Of course I’m talking about the L’ILE AUX ASHBY Pop up store and showcase which is taking place in the painfully hip Tiong Bahru area on July 13 and 14.

What’s that I hear you cry? And why is it such a hot event? Well the number one reason is obvious. I’m in it :-)

In all seriousness though, I’m always very excited when cool local designers/artists do collaborations and events which show the extent of their talents. So when I was asked by Rayson Tan, the designer behind  L’ILE AUX ASHBY  to collaborate on a showcase, I was over the moon!

Rana Wehbe-Flinter collaboration with L'ile Aux Ashby

The thought of wearing and trying on all the colourful accessories and most recently - bold printed tops and leggings - was tempting enough. Add to that the fact that I get to work on a fun project with some of the talents I’ve really grown fond of lately and it’s a winner.

Photographer John Tan of Streetpeek (also known as my paparazzi) joins me along with the gorgeous fellow blogger and photographer Lenne who also walked for Mash Up at AFF and is the only girl to give me a run for my money in the cool hair category ;-)!

The idea is for me and Lenne to create different street style looks combining items from L’ILE AUX ASHBY’s latest collection ‘Prodigy of Colours’ and stuff from own closets which best represent our style.

Despite the bold and colourful style we both share (not too common in Singapore I guess), we have managed to create some very different looks which correspond to our lifestyle and age (cough cough).
What’s even better is that we were spontaneously joined by Nathanael of Parco Next NEXT label Mash Up who also posed for some cool shots; A move demonstrating the great camaraderie emerging in the Singapore fashion scene.

Bonjour Singapore and Lenne photoshoot in Tiong Bahru
Lenne and I having great time during the shoot! Don't you just love
all the colours in this photo???

The result was a fun-packed shoot on the streets of Tiong Bahru where we got to pose, laugh, jump and act silly for John’s lens.

The photo of me you see in the teaser is one of the shots which are going on a special preview on Friday the 13th of July at  L’ILE AUX ASHBY’s 2-day pop up shop at showroom where the action took place.

There will be a whole wall covered with some awesome photos (including one of me doing a kung fu jump!) along with other installations from three different talents: an illustrator, a nail artist and an embroidery specialist.

The whole event which Rayson masterminded was meant to bring arts, design, photography and fashion together. It is something he understands having come from a graphic design background and with a passion to do digital illustrations as those on his clothes.

Singapore label L'ile Aux Ashby
L'ile Aux Ashby's awesome collection was a dream to style! But expect
more wearable and less editorial looks than this campaign photo ;-)

I promise to post a lot of the photos from the exhibition after they debut on Monday (I will also get to write more about  L’ILE AUX ASHBY’s collection and the outfits).

The event – at 59 Eng Hoon Street, #01-55 – is by invite only on the opening day (Friday, July 13th) and open to the public on the Saturday.

But if you’d like to join me and the rest of the team for the exclusive preview day, I have 10 invites to pass onto my readers and fans. I’ll be giving them away on my Facebook page, so you’d best come and visit me to find out more.

Hurry up though, because this is going to be the hottest collaboration this year (trust me, even hotter than Martin Margiela for H&M!)