
Tuesday, 30 October 2012

What I wore: My 10 Digital Fashion Week outfits

I had so many reasons to be super excited to take part of Digital Fashion Week (DFW). As you know I was hosting the interviews with some great established and emerging Singaporean designers and hanging around backstage among some beautiful clothes and models.

But I won’t lie. Getting dolled up every morning with a team of experts and having 10 outfits to change in three days was probably one of the highlights as well. My co-host (Beam Artiste and blogger Yvette King) and I took our jobs as promoting Singaporean and Asian designers very seriously and spent many days before the event running around planning our outfits mainly from places like Parco next NEXT and the participating designers.

It was tiring but great fun especially that our choices seemed to grab people’s attention - including super model Andrej Pejic who fell in love with a LION EARL digital print dress that Yvette was wearing which prompted the designer Lionel to give him one! Another item which Andrej managed to keep was my TOTON collar which I wore the last day to interview him. Sophie Sumner also made no secret of her love for local label OwnMuse and wore their clothes more than a couple of times during the week.

So if you’ve missed out (or lost count) of my DFW outfits, here’s the list of what I wore on all 3 days and the press conference! Which LOOK did you like most ;-)?

Big thanks goes to my dear friend Aaron Han who was on hand everyday
to snap most of these photos :-)

Monday, 29 October 2012

My 5 Highlights from the 1st Digital Fashion Week, Singapore

It’s been a week since Digital Fashion Week has ended in Singapore but at least for me, it’ll be a while before I totally digest it and the fact that I was in the middle of it all, talking to awesome designers and models.

All in all, it’s been a great experience; you have to start somewhere right? So even for someone who never hosted anything let alone LIVE for the world to see - yes I do look at those videos and critique myself – I was kinda proud that I managed to do it and most of all, have fun while at it. Yup now I’m convinced more than ever not to take myself too seriously when it comes to fashion ;-)

There have been some amazing moments, too many to count and some of which I’ve documented in the previous posts here, here and here, but I have picked those 5 highlights which I will forever remember and look back at as an unforgettable experience which I was so lucky to have had.

But the biggest question is, would I do it again?

Between the nervous moments, I've had a blast especially with my co-host Yvette King,
seen here with Andrej Pejic backstage as he teaches us how to pose 'couture-style'!
Needless to say I have a lot more to learn... smiling and pouting at the same time is not a
good look ;-) (Photo by Zhi Wei)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Day three, Guo Pei and the pictures!!!

It's been exhausting but we made it. My first ever live presenting gig is finished and my feet haven't touched the ground yet.

I mean that in a literal as well as a metaphorical sense too - the reason I'm only posting the day three round-up now is because I've been sleeping non-stop since Digital Fashion Week finished. Those 14 hours on your feet all day (in heels!) really took a toll!

But I wouldn't have swapped it for the world. Being backstage felt like being in a new era, this was the most relaxed, friendly and comfortable fashion event I have ever attended.

The stars were amazing and happy to give total and constant access not only to myself and my co-host but also to the fans who seemed surprised that the likes of Sophie Sumner, Patricia Field and Andrej Pejic were just casually strolling amongst them.

Guo Pei - the Chanel of China - and Andrej Pejic
The Chanel of China, Guo Pei and supermodel Andrej Pejic totally blew everyone away with the final show of Digital Fashion Week (picture courtesy of

Monday, 22 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Guo Pei show and Day two highlights

Wow. It's been non-stop since we started on Saturday (well Friday if you count rehearsals etc) but what a ride Digital Fashion Week has been.

I don't have time to blog in detail at the moment, but I promise you once this is over you will get a full rundown on what went down, on what Sophie and Andrej are like and on what they loved/hated.

Oh you'll also get to find out exactly what I wore. Suffice to say I have still been flying the flag for Singapore and Asia in the clothes I've been rocking. 

As for my highlights of day two? 

Sophie Sumner and Rana Wehbe-Flinter
Sophie Sumner and me go Asian style as we have some fun backstage at Digital Fashion Week

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Day two line-up and day one highlights

What a whirlwind. Day one of Digital Fashion Week is over, my live presenting debut is ancient history and we're into day two.

Arriving at the venue early just made me more and more nervous. Watching as the red carpet got laid out (soon to be soaked by a tropical thunderstorm from hell) made me double nervous and then watching the TV cameras roaming around sent me into near panic mode.

But the awesome Yvette King (who is presenting live backstage coverage) helped calm my nerves, as did the whole crew producing the Google+ hangouts and to be honest, once it got under way and I could get down to talking to the guests, the nerves just melted away.

And what a day. It was an honour to talk to the likes of Thomas Wee (who revealed he is taking in Digital Fashion Week but doesn't have a website), JR Chan from -J-A-S-O-N- (who revealed an interesting story behind the name of the label in our chat) and the lovely Pauline Lim from Pauline.Ning (who also revealed why her label has a different name to hers)

So the scorecard from the first day of an amazing event goes a little something like this...

andrej pejic at Digital Fashion Week
The beautiful Andrej Pejic takes the 'Blue Steel' challenge backstage at DFW. Photo borrowed from the super talented Lenne Chai of Aetienne

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Line-up and lowdown for day one

It's here. It's finally here.

The designers are here, the clothes are here and the models are here (causing quite a publicity stir it seems) and everything is ready. Digital Fashion Week gets under way today.

Yes, that's right the world's first online only fashion week is about to kick off and you can watch it all LIVE.

Much more than an ordinary fashion show, you will have a front row seat to ALL of the action. Front stage, backstage and probably side stage too. What's more is that you will also be given the opportunity to buy the clothes you see on the catwalk thanks to DFW's e-commerce partners Zalora.

All of the shows will be broadcast live on YouTube and on the official Digital Fashion Week website. The backstage action is also being broadcast there too and will be hosted by the beautiful Yvette King.

Post show interviews will be broadcast live on Google+ hangout and will be hosted by yours truly (in a variety of different dresses ha ha) along with a selection of bloggers from Singapore. And we will be interviewing everyone, so stay tuned for that!

Andrej Pejic and Sophie Sumner enjoying dim sum in Singapore. But now it's down to business.
Digital Fashion Week is under way 

Friday, 19 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Interview with JR Chan of Singapore menswear -J-A-S-O-N-

Singaporean men really are a spoiled bunch...when it comes to fashion.

Considering this is still very much an emerging fashion market, there are a surprisingly large number of more avant garde labels peddling an increasingly diverse series of looks aimed at the modern male.

From the established labels and six year veterans like Depression to the new kids on the block like MASH-UP, MILS, EvenOdd and now even local icon Thomas Wee is about to launch a menswear collection. The truth is guys, you've never had it so good.

At the forefront of the Singapore man renaissance is -J-A-S-O-N-, a brand that has been around for a year and a half and already has a reputation for it's androgynous shapes and quirky twists on conventional tailoring.

Designer JR Chan took the Bonjour Singapore Q&A ahead of her appearance at Digital Fashion Week. Here's what she had to say.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Bonjour Singapore is one year old today! Thank you for your support!

Bonjour Singapore is one year old today, and what a journey it’s been.

I could never have thought when I posted a polite introduction as a relative newbie to Singapore on October 18, 2011, that I would be where I am now.

What started as a way of keeping in touch with my friends, killing time while I job hunted (still unemployed BTW) and sharing my new found passion for the talented local designers in Singapore has snowballed into something of a crusade.

I always wonder if many of the designers I approached or blogged about initially thought “who is this crazy curly haired foreigner?” but they smiled sweetly and helped me out anyway. 

Now one year on I have met so many talented people, made some amazing friends and been adopted by the Singapore fashion community as one of their own. It makes me realize that Singapore is a place with so much heart and soul.

Rana Wehbe-Flinter in Pauline.Ning
One of my favourite photos of myself (wearing Mae Pang). It's my
anniversary so I'm allowed to post a pic or two of myself :-) Thanks for
John Tan of Streetpeek for the photo!!

Digital Fashion Week: Pictures from the press conference

Digital Fashion Week kicked off in earnest yesterday, with the arrival of the celebrity guests and the press conference officially announcing the event.

Yes – I was gathered in the same room as SATC stylist Patricia Field, ANTM winner Sophie Sumner and Andrej Pejic and watched in awe as my beautiful co-host Yvette King introduced DFW to the media and other Singapore bloggers.

I stood toe to toe with the husband of the genius that is Guo Pei(she'll be arriving at a later date) and I was able to give Eugene Lin my gratitude for his heartfelt and passionate views on the Singapore fashion scene.

Digital Fashion Week press conference
An incredible talent line-up for Digital Fashion Week - and me in the corner :-)
On the sofa: Yvette King, Andrej Pejic, Patricia Field, Sophie Sumner, Guo Pei's husband
Jack representing her.

Back row: JR Chan (J-A-S-O-N), Johanna and Juang (Ownmuse), Tze Goh, Eugene Lin,
Pauline Lim (Paulne.Ning) and me :-)

And most importantly, I was able to get some photos. Having already read my Q&As, I know that’s what you want to see - pictures of beautiful people and me being a star-struck teenager.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Guo Pei Q&A on her exquisite designs coveted by Lady Gaga

It I were to describe Guo Pei’s creations, couture or haute couture wouldn't begin to describe it. There probably aren't enough words in the dictionary to suitably describe her outrageous creations. 

Anyone who says fashion can't be art has clearly never laid eyes on anything from China's top designer whose pieces all look like they stepped out of the most over the top gallery and museum in history.

Taking Chinese history and its rich culture as her inspiration, Guo Pei makes no compromise when it comes to creating and crafting exquisite gowns which sometimes take years to complete. 

It is feast to the eyes, inspiring as nothing I’ve ever seen before and way more avant-garde than anything Lady Gaga has managed to wear - Perhaps that is why the mother monster herself is so keen on getting her hands on one of her creations!

The Chinese designer is coming to Singapore for Digital Fashion Week (DFW) and her show is going to be the highlight and closing show of the event is not to miss for sure. There aren't many times you get a chance to see something so spectacular and exquisite especially after the late Alexander McQueen passed away and John Galliano stopped designing.

Chinese designer Guo Pei
Want to daydream about fashion? Guo Pei makes some of the most
exquisite gowns I've seen...

Guo Pei is showing at Singapore Digital Fashion Week

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Singapore's Tze Goh talks minimalism

OK i'll be honest here! when I first got back the answers from my Q&A from Singaporean designer Tze Goh, I was a bit surprised. 

Before sending him my questions, I had done my research and seen a couple of interviews which he'd given, all of which were honest and straight-forward. So I knew I was dealing with a non-conformist designer.

I guess I was expecting a bit more volume, but he was probably short of time and preparing for his Digital Fashion Week show on October 21. His short, yet interesting and to the point answers actually reveal a lot more than at first glance.

I'm not complaining, but I'm just hoping when I interview this Central Saint Martin’s graduate LIVE on Google+ Hangout on the day of the show, he'll be in the mood to talk a little more, or it could be a challenge ;-)

For those who are asking 'who is Tze Goh?', let me tell you this Singaporean-born, London-based designer is as striking and minimal in his designs as his words. Geometric clean cuts and beautiful 3D silhouettes, you can instantly detect the influence of architecture in his work and the subtle details which are essential to form the construction of the garment rather than add embellishment as an afterthought. In architectural terms I see it more like Le Corbusier's Villa Savoy of the future, rather than Gaudi's La Sagrada Familia.

Singapore's Tze Goh
Perfect minimalisn, Tze Goh's collection is breathtaking in its innovative cuts and clean lines

Monday, 15 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: EXCLUSIVE Eugene Lin interview

When you take interesting and original prints and mix them with well thought of details and top it off with immaculate tailoring, you get a recipe for some serious fashion to look out for!

Eugene Lin does just that. Impeccably-cut clothes which look modern, chic with an edgy twist and would fit into any style-conscious woman’s wardrobe.

The Singaporean-born, London-based Central Saint Martins graduate has already started making waves in the fashion world and it’s no surprise when his work set very high standards for emerging designers. And perhaps what’s even more interesting is his honesty and outspoken attitude in a world where diplomatic and politically-correct statements are the general rule.

I am very excited to be meeting and interviewing Eugene after his first ever show in Singapore during Digital Fashion Week (DFW), especially after this explosive and honest Q&A with a man not afraid to speak his mind. 

In by far and away the most controversial interview of the DFW series, the London based Lin lets rip on exactly what is wrong with the Singapore fashion scene, celebrity designers and the problems with Singapore's attempts to support local labels.

Singapore designer Eugene Lin
Eugene Lin will show his latest SS12 collection 'The Judgement of Paris' at DFW!
Certainly not to miss!!!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: OwnMuse - EXCLUSIVE Interview with young Singaporean designers Johanna and Shu Juang

I won’t lie. The glamour and the amazing personalities taking part in Digital Fashion Week (DFW) are worth a lot of excitement and one of the reasons I took part of this awesome event.

But as much as I am excited to rub shoulders with, and interview the likes of Andrej Pejic and Sophie Sumner, I also cannot wait to see some young Singaporean designers finally get some great exposure and show their work alongside top designers like Thomas Wee and Guo Pei for the world to see.

One of the carefully-picked emerging labels taking part of DFW is OwnMuse. The designers behind the label, Johanna and Shu Juang started their journey 2 years ago as part of Parco next NEXT incubator program and since then, their work has been evolving non-stop and they stand out for their understanding of their customer and the need to dress well every day while still feeling comfortable and relaxed. their SS13 collection which will be debuting at DFW is a perfect example of that!

OwnMuse is building a reputation as being the to-go-to label for chic,
understated and comfortable everyday clothes.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Patricia Field - EXCLUSIVE interview with the legendary SATC stylist

When people ask me ‘Are you a Sex and the City fan?’, I roll my eyes at them!

I mean come on… is this even a question when one glance at my exploding technicolor wardrobe and 100+pairs of shoes says it all?? How could a girl with so many eclectic outfits, an obsession with sky high heels - and a mop of curly hair a la Carrie Bradshaw - not be a SATC fan? Fanatic more likely!

But although Carrie Bradshaw and myself share a few obsessions (not with Mr. Big though!), the main reason I love watching SATC again and again is the fashion and this means one thing: stylist extraordinaire Patricia Field!

Legendary in the way she mixes and matches the unexpected and for creating seemingly effortless yet iconic looks, Patricia’s styling is something any aspiring stylist like myself would love to achieve. In many ways, she is one of the reasons I got into styling and had the confidence to wear whatever I want regardless of what others thought of it.

SATC stylist Pat Field will be at Digital Fashion Week in Singapore
Patricia Field is responsible for so many iconic looks in film and TV which are still talked about...

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Sophie Sumner - EXCLUSIVE interview with the America's Next Top Model winner

To be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of models. 

I know it’s highly judgemental on my part and almost sacrilege from someone who is deeply embedded into fashion, but from my experience I get the impression they take life a little too seriously.

Don't get me wrong. I know it’s a damn hard job, and they have my utmost respect for the job they do, but on the few occasions I've been lucky enough to be behind the scenes (for example backstage at Audi Fashion Festival) I only needed one hand to count the number of smiles on show, even hours before a show.

But not all models are created equal. So when I learned that America’s Next Top Model’s winner Sophie Sumner was going to be at Digital Fashion Week (walking for Singaporean designers Thomas Wee and Ownmuse), I knew it would be a different story. Having followed her journey on Top Model and seen her (very dry and British) sense of humour and larger than life personality, I know the perma-pout will be replaced with laughter and smiles in Singapore.

Sophie Sumner
Sophie is no ordinary 'boring' blonde!! want proof? read on her cheeky answers below ;-)

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

iCute Bugis: For the pet loving fashionista

I have a confession. I’ve never been an animal person!

Not that I hate pets but growing up in a war, all the cats and dogs I saw were stray and disease-ridden. 

Also living with an extended family in a cosy urban apartment it was not an option to keep a pet – bar for a pair of Canary birds and a parrot at one point. Believe it or not, I don’t even recall encountering  any cute puppy or cat until I started going to college.

On the other hand, I have so many friends who are obsessed with cute pets and their facebook pages are dominated by kittens and puppies’ photos which they feel the need to share on a daily basis.

If you’re anything like my friends, or you’re looking for a gift for someone like that, I have recently found the place for you. Yes, that's right, for one post only Bonjour Singpore is talking about real life animal prints!

Cats, dogs or teddy bears? Hard to tell which is cutest!

Monday, 8 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Q&A with DFW project director Charina

We all now know that top models, fashion royalty and top designers are coming to Singapore later this month for the first ever Digital Fashion Week, but what was the inspiration behind the event.

An event with the likes of Andrej Pejic, Sophie Sumner, SATC stylist Pat Field, top Chinese designer Guo Pei as well as great Singaporean designers can't have been easy to put together.

To find out I sat down for a Q&A with an exhausted but happy project director Charina Widjaja who helped explain DFW in more detail and even had time to announce another exciting partnership and promise more surprises on the runway!

Charina Widjaja and Keyis Ng from DFW
The masterminds behind DFW: Project Director Charina Widjaja, and
Creative Director Keyis Ng. 

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Bonjour Bangkok: Lynn Around keep it quirky and mainstream

Perhaps a great thing about Thai labels is that not only the small and independent ones that pride themselves on being funky and quirky.
Maybe it's something to do with the Thai attitude to dressing up, but it’s really refreshing to see the eccentricity not being designed out by committee when a brand becomes more mainstream. They're still waving goodbye to dull and pushing the boundaries with risky style statements.

One label which despite its size (It has around 10 outlets in Bangkok) is doing just that: Lynn Around.

I first saw their outlet at the never disappointing Thai fashion cathedral Terminal 21, where the vibrant colours and eye-catching looks pulled me in to inquire about the label (and ahem… shop).

Dalmation pattern shoes from Lynn Around
Even in a somehow more 'mainstream' Thai label like Lynn Around, you can still find
some quirky stuff like these adorable pony hair loafers. Bangkok rocks!

Lynn Around at Terminal21 Bangkok
The colours and variety of styles at their Terminal21 branch is so inviting.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Patricia Field, Andrej Pejic and Guo Pei headline Digital Fashion Week in Singapore

Those of you who follow me on Facebook or Twitter will already know this (if you don’t follow me then why not!!), but I am extremely excited to have been asked to be a co-host on the world’s first Digital Fashion Week (DFW).

DFW is an amazing new Singapore-based project that is ashoppable live streaming fashion week”.

It’s basically an entire fashion week streamed online in partnership with YouTube, with no front row, none of the nonsense and posturing that comes with fashion shows AND the ability to be able to buy the clothes as you watch.

I will be doing live one-on-one interviews on Google+ after every show, so you will probably get sick of the sight of me soon :-). But WAY more exciting than that is the superstar line-up that will be in town later in three weeks time.

It’s been a big secret and it’s been so so tough keeping it under wraps but I can finally tell you that the stars of DFW will be none other than supermodel Andrej Pejic , Legendary Fashion Icon Patricia Field and China’s top designer Guo Pei in addition to America’s Next Top Model latest winner Sophie Sumner.

Andrej Pejic will be walking for DFW designers in Singapore! So exciting!!!

The queen of styling herself Patricia Field will be in town as well! Let the
SATC fever begin ;-)

Monday, 1 October 2012

Event of the week: Hansel's 85 per cent off sale

I'll keep this short and to the point. Hansel - one of Singapore's finest and best known labels - is having a sale of samples and seconds and are offering discounts of up to 85 per cent.

If you are in any way interested in shopping then you should be there. The sale takes place at Isetan Scotts from October 5 to 11. 

People who read my blog know I don't write about every sale that's going on in Singapore, in fact I rarely write about one off sales. So for me to talk about it I must be really excited. 

Hansel sale
A S$279 Hansel dress for S$79...where do I sign up?