
Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Day three, Guo Pei and the pictures!!!

It's been exhausting but we made it. My first ever live presenting gig is finished and my feet haven't touched the ground yet.

I mean that in a literal as well as a metaphorical sense too - the reason I'm only posting the day three round-up now is because I've been sleeping non-stop since Digital Fashion Week finished. Those 14 hours on your feet all day (in heels!) really took a toll!

But I wouldn't have swapped it for the world. Being backstage felt like being in a new era, this was the most relaxed, friendly and comfortable fashion event I have ever attended.

The stars were amazing and happy to give total and constant access not only to myself and my co-host but also to the fans who seemed surprised that the likes of Sophie Sumner, Patricia Field and Andrej Pejic were just casually strolling amongst them.

Guo Pei - the Chanel of China - and Andrej Pejic
The Chanel of China, Guo Pei and supermodel Andrej Pejic totally blew everyone away with the final show of Digital Fashion Week (picture courtesy of

Digital Fashion Week also showed that fashion can also have a personality, and that there is a market for putting the local designers front and centre. The models did a great job in showcasing the clothes and not themselves and I'm so happy that they gave some public love for the designers they worked with.

With Sophie absolutely loving OwnMuse and Andrej asking about Lion Earl and raving about Thomas Wee's gorgeous collection, lets hope they can raise a little bit of consciousness amongst the public in Singapore.

Speaking of gorgeous, the highlights of the final day for me were definitely as follows.

Andrej Pejic wearing Toton
The hantingly beautiful Andrej Pejic wearing Toton (courtesy of me!)

DFW interviews by Rana Wehbe-Flinter
My last interview turned into an interview bomb thanks to Sophie Sumner

Sophie Sumner at Digital Fashion Week
Digital Fun Week: Sophie Sumner filming my interview with Andrej Pejic just before crashing it!
My two favourite DFW models Jimmy and Jun. Life is tough..  Photo by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (
I really can't even begin to find the words too describe how gorgeous and intricate Guo Pei's wedding dress collection was. Seeing it backstage up close and seeing the amazing detail was a truly special moment. Spending some time with Guo Pei and seeing how very friendly, sweet and humble she is just made the moment sweeter. 

In fact perhaps that's my main take-away from Digital Fashion Week. Fashion can be fun. The fashion industry doesn't have to be childish, bitchy and po-faced as it often is around the world and that there is a wider market for Singaporean and Asian designers.

So lets all work together to try and make Singapore a worthy addition to the fashion map. That means designers, publicists, models, the public, everyone. After all, a stronger Singapore fashion scene can only be a good thing for everyone right?

Anyway, back to Guo Pei. As my limited vocabulary doesn't come close I'll just leave you with some of the professional backstage pictures (interspersed with my terrible iPad shots of the show). They speak way more than mere words could.

You can catch up with all the action on Digital Fashion Week's Video on Demand page. Roll on DFW2013!!!

Guo Pei dress

Guo Pei at Digital Fashion Week
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Backstage at Guo Pei in DFW
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Digital Fashion Week Guo Pei show
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Digital Fashion Week Guo Pei show
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Digital Fashion Week Guo Pei show
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Digital Fashion Week Guo Pei show
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Andrej Pejic in Guo Pei at Digital Fashion Week Singapore
Photography by Lenne Chai of Aetienne (

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Andrej Pejic walks the Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore

Guo Pei show at Digital Fashion Week Singapore