
Thursday, 18 October 2012

Digital Fashion Week: Pictures from the press conference

Digital Fashion Week kicked off in earnest yesterday, with the arrival of the celebrity guests and the press conference officially announcing the event.

Yes – I was gathered in the same room as SATC stylist Patricia Field, ANTM winner Sophie Sumner and Andrej Pejic and watched in awe as my beautiful co-host Yvette King introduced DFW to the media and other Singapore bloggers.

I stood toe to toe with the husband of the genius that is Guo Pei(she'll be arriving at a later date) and I was able to give Eugene Lin my gratitude for his heartfelt and passionate views on the Singapore fashion scene.

Digital Fashion Week press conference
An incredible talent line-up for Digital Fashion Week - and me in the corner :-)
On the sofa: Yvette King, Andrej Pejic, Patricia Field, Sophie Sumner, Guo Pei's husband
Jack representing her.

Back row: JR Chan (J-A-S-O-N), Johanna and Juang (Ownmuse), Tze Goh, Eugene Lin,
Pauline Lim (Paulne.Ning) and me :-)

And most importantly, I was able to get some photos. Having already read my Q&As, I know that’s what you want to see - pictures of beautiful people and me being a star-struck teenager.

As I don’t want to disappoint, I will keep the words to a minimum (other than to say that all of these people are so friendly and down to earth and that Andrej is inhumanly pretty) and post some photos of these fashion A-listers in Singapore.

Digital Fashion Week - the world's first online only fashion week - starts on Saturday, October 20. Visit their website to find out more about the event, the shows and the designers and models taking part. 

I will also be hosting live Google+ hangouts with the designers and star models. You can find out more about that on the official DFW Google+ page.

Rana and Pat Field
Sex and the Lion City - superstar stylist Patricia Field!!
Hardly a pose-off (I really can't pout!)
Andrej Pejic and Sophie Sumner in Singapore
Face off: Which of our celeb guests is the most beautiful?

Digital Fashion Week Singapore
Just an average day: Andrej Pejic, me, Sophie Sumner and DFW co-host Yvette King

Yvette King and Rana Wehbe-Flinter
You'll be seeing a lot of us in the next few days! BTW Yvette
looks gorgeous in Pauline.Ning and I'm rocking Toton. Keep it Asia!!

Eugene Line at DFW Singapore
Outspoken Eugene Lin takes the mic (right) with Tze Goh, Pauline Lim (designer of Pauline.Ning)
and Juang (one of the designers behind Ownmuse)

Digital Fashion Week press conference
Pat Field and Sophie Sumner answering press questions

Digital Fashion Week press conference
DFW press conference in full flow

ANTM winner sophie sumner and DFW host Yvette King
Sophie Sumner and Yvette King rocking it Asia style

After everyone else was gone, Andrej stuck around to load up on some Diet Coke and
pose for moi!  ;-)